Ram Chandra Nepal

Kathmandu. The release date of the film ‘Missing: Missing Girl Report’ has been announced. During an event held in Kathmandu, the production company Tri-City Pictures announced the release date of the film by releasing the teaser. The film will be screened across the country from October 30th.

The movie starring Srishti Shrestha and Nazir Hussain is directed by Dipendra Gauchan. Gauchan, who is known for his work ‘Uzeli: A Child Bride in Nepal’ and acclaimed for his contribution to the world film industry, is making a directorial comeback. Gauchan produced the film along with Nakim Uddin

The film is about the life and reconciliation of young people from the hill community and young women from the Madhesi community. It is said that the film explores the harmony between Pahari and Madhesi, which is against the beauty and culture of the Terai region. Director Gouchan says the film represents transcending traditional and caste boundaries and finding equality among diversity.

Srishti Shrestha is playing the role of Sita in the film and Nazir Hussain is playing the role of Ram. Sanjay Mishra in the role of Vilas and Amitesh Shah (cameo) in the role of a ticket seller. More local actors from Janakpur have played various roles. Uddin is the executive producer, Amar Maharjan is the cinematographer, Nimesh Shrestha is the editor, Akki Thekpa is the art director, Shrawal RP is the sound designer and Chris Massond is the music director.


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